
Roula Nezi (2024) A tale of two crises: Affective polarisation in Greece, Frontiers in Political Science (accepted for publication).

Nezi, R., Karyotis, G., and Makropoulos, I. (2023). Culture wars? Assessing the impact of affective polarisation on cultural battles.LSE Hellenic Observatory Paper No.190.

Foa, R. S., and Nezi, R. (2023). Piercing the Fog of War: Measuring Russian Public Opinion via Online Search Data.Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge.

Media coverege The Times

Roula Nezi (2023) Greece: Politicisation in media, Parliamentary debates, and voting in 2019, in EU Politicisation and its Consequences for Voting Media, Parliamentary Debates and Electoral Behaviour in Europe, 2002-2020, (eds) Marina Costa Lobo. Routledge.

Wegscheider, C., & Nezi, R. (2021). Who belongs to the people? The societal boundaries of national and European notions of citizenship. In Democratic Citizenship in Flux (pp. 173-192). transcript- Verlag.

Busemeyer, M. R., Abrassart, A., & Nezi, R. (2021). Beyond positive and negative: New perspectives on feedback effects in public opinion on the welfare state. British Journal of Political Science, 51(1), 137-162.

Lefkofridi, Z., & Nezi, R. (2020). Responsibility versus responsiveness . . . to whom? A theory of party behavior. Party Politics, 26(3), 334-346.

Lefkofridi, Z., & Nezi, R. (2019). Between representation and responsibility, in SYRIZA: a Party in transformation- from protest to government, edited by Iannis Balabanidis, Themelio.

Georgiadou, V., Kafe, A., Nezi, S., & Pieridis, C. (2019). Plebiscitarian spirit in the square. Key characteristics of the Greek indignants. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 32(1), 43-59.

Busemeyer, M. R., Garritzmann, J. L., Neimanns, E., & Nezi, R. (2018). Investing in education in Europe: Evidence from a new survey of public opinion. Journal of European Social Policy, 28(1), 34-54.

Gemenis, K., & Nezi, R. (2015). Government{opposition dynamics during the economic crisis in Greece. The Journal of Legislative Studies, 21(1), 14-34.

Nezi, R., & Katsanidou, A. (2014). From valence to position: Economic voting in extraordinary conditions. Acta Politica, 49(4), 413-430.

Nezi, R. (2012). Economic voting under the economic crisis: Evidence from Greece. Electoral studies, 31(3), 498-505.

Kafe, A., Nezi, R., & Pieridis, C. (2011). Who abstains and why: an analysis of the 2010 Greek local election. Science and Society: Journal of Political and Moral Theory, 27, 25-54.

Nezi, R., Sotiropoulos, D. A., & Toka, P. (2010). Attitudes of Greek parliamentarians towards European and national identity, representation, and scope of governance. South European Society and Politics, 15(1), 79-96.

Nezi, S., Sotiropoulos, D. A., & Toka, P. (2009). Explaining the Attitudes of Parliamentarians towards European Integration in Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia: Party Affiliation,`Left-Right’Self- placement or Country Origin?. Europe-Asia Studies, 61(6), 1003-1020.

Sotiropoulos, D. A., Nezi, R. & Toka, P. (2008). Explaining the attitudes of Greek parliamentary and business elites towards the European Union. Greek Political Science Review, 32, 25-41.